• Marriage

    Investing in your marriage

    Let’s be honest, after several years of marriage or perhaps even just a couple, it’s really easy to put our spouse at the bottom of the list. It’s easy to stop investing in your marriage. Especially if there are kids involved and that means lots of care-taking, food prep, entertaining, playing and EXHAUSTION! It’s super easy to put the kids and to-do lists at the forefront and the spouse at the bottom. It’s no surprise this leads to a recipe for disaster and the relationship will slowly disintegrate into something you no longer recognize. More of a ships passing in the night sort of thing instead of the strong marital…

  • Family,  Inspiration

    What kids need most during hard times

    We find ourselves in a very unique time. Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and I would venture to say unlike anything most of you have experienced in your lifetime. Right now, the Coronavirus situation is escalating and quickly. News reports are saying these are going to be the worst two weeks yet. You can’t find toilet paper anywhere; grocery shelves continue to be empty of certain items and stores are starting to implement additional restrictions like a limited number of shoppers per square feet. Unfortunately, it feels like it might get worse before it gets better. Schools in our state are closed at least until May 1 and most people…

  • Family,  Gratitude

    Family time thanks to Quarantine

    We are so thankful to have an escape – a place we can go for (usually and mostly) unplugged family time. Right now we are holed up by the lake here abiding by the “stay at home” order our country is now facing. During these uncertain and scary times, we are doing our best to find the positives and bask in the slower pace and family time we aren’t accustomed to.  Truth be told, I’m quite enjoying the past two weeks we’ve had of homeschooling and not having my nights filled with driving back and forth to activities. Thankfully, my older two are pretty self-sufficient with the homeschooling so I’ve…

  • best gift to give someone

    The Best Gift You Can Give Someone

    What is the best gift you can give someone? Usually, the best gifts are things that are thoughtful and mean something special to the receiver. Many people put a lot of time and effort into gift giving. Some might think about what they really like to receive and try to do the same for someone else, while others don’t think too much of it because some people like receiving gifts more than others. I mean everyone likes to receive a gift but for some of us, it really fills our love bucket. For me personally, it not at the top but there is definitely one gift all humans crave. A…

  • tips to feel happy
    Gratitude,  Inspiration

    6 tips for feeling happy

    What is happiness anyway? Does it mean smiling all the time? Does it mean you’re always laughing and in a good mood? Does it mean we don’t explode at our spouse or kids or co-workers? Does it mean our tempers aren’t short? How can we experience true joy?  I recently had the opportunity to listen to several women who are experiencing feelings of unexplained sadness, shortness of temper, anxiety, loss of compassion and even depression. The crazy thing is, almost every one of them felt as if they were the only ones feeling that way. That everyone else’s life was as happy as it looks on social media or how…