Gratitude,  Inspiration

Finding Gratitude

When I run, I typically find it’s the time I get my best ideas. Or, at least ideas. Maybe I’m the only one that thinks they are decent. Feet hitting the pavement, one step after another, music in my ears and alone with just my thoughts. It’s therapeutic for me. Sometimes when the world feels like it’s crashing in or I just can’t stand to be in my house for one more second, I can throw on a pair of running shoes and escape, even if only for a few precious miles. 

I wrote a post about making time for yourself and actually putting yourself first in order to fill you up. We all need “me time” to allow ourselves to be the best version of ourselves. During my “me time” today, I started thinking about my feet. 

My feet sweat! And when I say they sweat, I mean wet socks, footprints on the floor, the whole nine yards. It’s something I’ve always disliked but how do you control something like that? Like many things in my life I can’t control, I’ve learned to just be content with it.

Then I started thinking how I’m actually grateful for my perspiring soles. I mean, let’s be honest, there are worse things to dislike about myself and on an average day-to-day basis, I can’t say they are always sweaty. However, when I exercise, they just like to let the sweat flow. But let me tell you, I have some of the softest feet around. When I treat myself to a pedicure (which is extremely rare), they never have to use that cheese grater thing and if anything, they might lightly file a few callouses I proudly want to keep as they are the battle wounds of miles of running. All that sweat must contribute to keeping them soft and supple and for that, I can find gratitude. 

It got me to thinking what other things I might not love about myself but if I search hard enough, I can be thankful.

I can be thankful for…

Stretch marks because I’ve created 3 amazing humans in my own body

Crows feet because I’ve smiled a lot

Wrinkles everywhere because I’ve enjoyed the sun a little too much

Cellulite because I live in a country with an abundance of food

C-section scar that enabled my son to safely exit my body

A giant rib cage because I guess I must have giant lungs that allowed me to run fast

And of course, sweaty feet

Then I started thinking about the things I take for granted. Every once in a while when tragedy strikes someone close to us, we are reminded to be thankful for the “little” things. But really, those things aren’t so little. Today I have been remembering to be thankful in everything I actually do have because not everyone does or they don’t have a healthy version.

I’m thankful to have…

Eyes to see

Ears to hear

Hands that touch

Legs & feet that enable running

Lungs that breathe

A heart that beats

I’ve lately been searching for gratitude in everyday life and today I was grateful for sweaty feet. What are you grateful for today? Maybe it’s that you got out the door on time today or that you didn’t yell at your kids. Perhaps it’s because you crossed one thing off your “to do” list. Maybe it’s because you finally managed to drink half your weight in ounces of water today. Finding something to be grateful about throughout my day has been so beneficial in my everyday outlook, my “happiness” and even my level of patience. Now, if I can just remember to do it! What are you grateful for today?

finding gratitude, being grateful, gratitude journal
finding gratitude, being grateful
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