• mothers day

    Mother’s Day in Hindsight

    I hope you all had a fabulous Mother’s Day! It should be a day where all moms are made to feel special at the least in some small way. Too often, a lot of pressure is put on holidays. Kids feel pressure to find the perfect gift or outdo their siblings’ gift. Husbands are trying their best to make it special not only for their wife but also their own mother. I always tell my kids the best gift I could get would be homemade cards or something simple from the heart. In hindsight, Mother’s Day for me provided a smorgasbord of emotions! I felt so thankful for beautiful sunshine…

  • Family,  Gratitude

    Family time thanks to Quarantine

    We are so thankful to have an escape – a place we can go for (usually and mostly) unplugged family time. Right now we are holed up by the lake here abiding by the “stay at home” order our country is now facing. During these uncertain and scary times, we are doing our best to find the positives and bask in the slower pace and family time we aren’t accustomed to.  Truth be told, I’m quite enjoying the past two weeks we’ve had of homeschooling and not having my nights filled with driving back and forth to activities. Thankfully, my older two are pretty self-sufficient with the homeschooling so I’ve…

  • gratitude
    Gratitude,  Inspiration

    Finding Gratitude

    When I run, I typically find it’s the time I get my best ideas. Or, at least ideas. Maybe I’m the only one that thinks they are decent. Feet hitting the pavement, one step after another, music in my ears and alone with just my thoughts. It’s therapeutic for me. Sometimes when the world feels like it’s crashing in or I just can’t stand to be in my house for one more second, I can throw on a pair of running shoes and escape, even if only for a few precious miles.  I wrote a post about making time for yourself and actually putting yourself first in order to fill…