
  • exercise routines

    Exercise Routines

    I have found there are two types of people in this world. Ones who love to run and ones who don’t. There’s no in between. You either love it or you don’t. I happen to love to run! It’s in my bones but the older I get, the harder it is. My love affair began in 6th grade when I joined my middle school cross-country team. I was starting a new school after being home schooled for 5 years. Yep, bet you didn’t know that about me. We had previously lived in an area without the best schools and my mom, having her master’s in education and a schoolteacher herself,…

  • judging others

    Judge Much?

    We’ve all said it and likely too many times than we care to admit. We’ve said all those judgmental comments either in our minds or *gasp* out loud. Those painful words that start with “I will never…” or “I can’t believe he/she…”. They almost always come back to bite us either through guilt or more likely by us finding ourselves in the exact same position. I vividly recall being in the baby food aisle of Target with a 2 and 4-year-old. My then 2-year-old daughter decided she wanted something I wasn’t willing to let her have or things just weren’t going her way, so she proceeded to have a tantrum.…

  • maximize time with kids
    Family,  Inspiration

    5 ways to maximize time with your kids

    Let’s face it, parenting can be exhausting and we all struggle with maximizing time with our kids. Each phase comes with its own struggles and it seems to move from physical exhaustion to mental exhaustion as the kids grow older and mature. When they are young it’s a very physical job of actually caring for infants and toddlers who need to be carried, bathed, clothed, changed and fed. Fast forward and it’s the mental exhaustion of keeping up with school, technology, social media, friend drama etc. All the while worrying if you are actually ruining your kids instead of molding them into someone of character. So often we look back…

  • Gratitude,  Inspiration

    Finding perspective and peace with age

    Yep, it happened. Everyone said it would happen overnight and boy were they right. I had been resisting it for a while. You know, reaching the arm out just a bit further or backing my head up a bit. Then I had to reach further or back up more. I had heard there is no going back once you succumb to the use of cheaters, readers, glasses, whatever you want to call them. Sigh. You’ll have to have a pair everywhere. Well, I was determined to resist as long as possible. While at the dollar store a few months back, I did grab a couple of pairs just so I…

  • Family,  Inspiration

    What kids need most during hard times

    We find ourselves in a very unique time. Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and I would venture to say unlike anything most of you have experienced in your lifetime. Right now, the Coronavirus situation is escalating and quickly. News reports are saying these are going to be the worst two weeks yet. You can’t find toilet paper anywhere; grocery shelves continue to be empty of certain items and stores are starting to implement additional restrictions like a limited number of shoppers per square feet. Unfortunately, it feels like it might get worse before it gets better. Schools in our state are closed at least until May 1 and most people…